The Ultimate Smart Home Tips For Mums

Lauren Krepp

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Hi, I'm mathilde

One of the most common conversations I have with other mums is the pressure of remembering it all! The responsibility of being the main parent that remembers the important dates, what’s for dinner, the shopping list, cleans the houses… you know the list, it’s never ending.

And while my husband and I split the household chores evenly there is always more pressure on mum, she is the person that ultimately holds the house together, remember the details. But that can be a lot!!!

In life B4TJ (before TJ) I ran a successful agency (relaunching soon!) automating clients’ sales channels in their businesses. I know how much technology can help to simplify our day and take away some of the stress that we can get as a mum, although I’m not going to pretend it takes away all the pressure.

But I wanted to share a few things I’ve done around our home to simplify the day, remember the important things, and have more space to have fun with the little man.

Home Automation – 

Before I gave birth I decided to automate functions within our home, I knew that I didn’t know much about becoming a parent but I did know I would be tired and my hands would often be full!

I started with the lights in our home so that when I was getting up to do night feeds I didn’t have to fumble around for light switches. But we had already renovated our home and during this renovation we had not installed smart over head lights. To enable me to have smart lights without having to waste our renovation I installed smart globes in to lamps and smart light stripes with sensors under kitchen cupboards and some furniture. This was an absolute game changer, when TJ would wake during the night we could get up and walk to the kitchen to make a bottle and change his nappy, the lights were always at the perfect dim setting so he didn’t completely wake from bright overhead lights. And the lights would just turn off again after a set period of time.

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When I realised that this automation was working so well I started to look into how else I could simplify my life and well with a very hair dog, a rural dusty property and a baby that was starting to crawl my floors needing cleaning daily! I decided to invest in a smart vacuum cleaner, one that I could connect to my Google Assistant and ask to clean up a mess. I purchased the Debot Vaccum because it mops and vacuums my floors and you can program it not to mop your rugs! Now I can just say – Hey Google – vacuum the kitchen and off Robort (its name) goes.

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TP-Link Tapo Smart Contact Sensor

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Now I was really loving getting things automated and due to my Postnatal Anxiety I liked to make sure that everything to do with TJ was in order, well my order anyway! So again I liked to automate what I could and it started with safety. Australia is so darn hot in the summer and TJ’s nursery is north facing and gets all the afternoon sun so it holds the heat at night too. I use the Tapo Heat Sensors to make sure the room is never too hot or too cold, I have a warning on this so it alerts me should anything happen.

Now that he is also getting older I know the time that he’ll start to try to escape the cot is fast approaching. So to make sure that I know when this time happens I’ve setup a Tapo Contact Sensor on the door, this means if he climbs out of his cot and goes on an adventure then I’ll get a warning! I’m actually also ordered more of these sensors because we do have a pool and although its fenced off I worry that he could open a door and get out without us seeing, even with the 3 locks we’ve already installed on these doors (TJ is quite tall so can easily open doors already – toddlers certainly keep you on your toes)

And finally the last part of my automation journey has been by getting the important items delivered to the door. I wish we had a milk man like we did as a kid, but instead I have my trusty Australia Post courier dropping off the necessities so I don’t forget!

Toilet Paper – now this still might be the pandemic trauma of hunting for TP but I like to know that I have this stocked.

Meal Deliveries – I started using Hellofresh when I had a newborn because I did try to get a food stash in the freezer before giving birth but with Hypermesis Gravedium food and I weren’t friends. So now I don’t have to think about what’s for dinner and do the food shopping for it. It gets delivered on Sunday morning and we are ready for the week again.

Dog food and supplements – My dog was my first child and I want to make sure no matter what he is always looked after. As he is getting older I want to make sure he has his dinner and more importantly his Rose Hip Powder for his joints. 

And finally the most important – COFFEE, while I recently changed back to drinking decaf coffee I love to have a cuppa in the morning while sitting playing trucks with my boy. I can’t risk running out of our favourite coffee beans / pods so I have this getting delivered every 2 weeks so the beans are still fresh too!

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