As I’m sitting on the couch writing this blog on a Saturday morning, 60% of Australia is locked down.. I’m still free, although I know many of us on this side of the country are waiting for the announcement that we are getting locked down again.
When the schools close, daycares close, and we are getting cut off from the help we have available, how can we find space for our business when there is no space available in our day? I actually had a video about this exact same subject from a few years ago and let me tell you my advice is so much different to then. Pre-C word vs Post-C word are two very different beasts, but business can still continue; it’s just a little different.
So, where do we start?
Change the forecast
The world we are living in now is very different to 18 months ago, we can’t change that but we can work with what we have. All of our circumstances are very different so looking to your biz bestie is not the answer. It’s time to go back to your goals, what is it that you wanted to achieve? Is this still achievable in your current situation, if not it’s time to reevaluate what is possible. Changing up your plan is not a bad thing, in fact one of the reasons I love business so much is where I can make changes along the way (nope not saying the P word!)
I had a number of big plans this year but due to changes in health these haven’t come to fruition, but what is happening now is so much more exciting than my original goal! Change can mean we set ourselves up from something we never thought could happen.
Disrupt the corporate hours
Home school, partners working from home, this means the time we had allocated for business is no longer available.
But who says business can only be done from 9-5 Monday – Friday?
We are the boss of our business and we can pick and choose when and how we are working? If you are best working in the morning then do it then and don’t worry about trying to work in the afternoon, it is proven that we are best to work between 4-6 hours max a day as this gives us the most energy and consistency.
When I started working full time in my business I felt guilty that if I wasn’t working 9-5 Monday – Friday that I was wasting my time. I very quickly found that my best working hours are around 8-12 and I actually quite like a couple of hours on a Saturday morning to write and plan. We are in charge of the time we have available, disrupting the old corporate rules that we must be glued to our computers for a specific amount of time each day to be successful. It’s a lie, work with what works best for you!
A table, a bench, a corner of the couch, sometimes a cafe
I started my first office space in the games room of my parents house, I then upgraded and moved into my cupboard office that was in the living room before finally getting my first office. Today I’m sitting on the couch with my laptop and my two pups snuggling at my feet.
Business can mostly be done anywhere these days. We just need a laptop or phone and an internet connection.
Carve out a little corner and own it as your office, a cupboard, a kitchen table, a couch or an office will all work to build you business, what is most important is make sure the time you are spending there is to get work done that’ll as my friend and mentor Amber McCue says is concentrating on the $100 Bills.
Is this work keeping you busy or is it working towards profit?
Don’t work on what you don’t like!
Finally don’t do the work that you don’t like! Ok sorry but you still need to do your taxes but you don’t actually have to be the one that does the work!
Far too often we don’t outsource quick enough, as we scale up in business we hold tight of all the tasks that we have to get done. Guess what? Even though you might think you are the only person who can do the task as well as you do, you’re wrong! Hire someone that is a professional as the task, they’ll get it done quicker and bring something different to the table.
You don’t have to hire an employee to start outsourcing you can simply hire VA or bookkeeper for a few hours a month to start delegating tasks that aren’t in your wheel house, this’ll then give you more space to concentrate on those $100 bills so you can increase profits and then outsource more or maybe one day soon have a holiday!
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